Thursday, March 8, 2012

It May Not Be Quite As You Think

This week I have organised to leave my current job role and move back to a roll doing what I love.  When asked why I have done that, I replied that it was because I enjoy doing the original roll so much more than the current one.  “We all have that feeling” was the reply that I got, “you just have to accept it”.   “Only when you choose to” is the answer I gave.

That was all a couple of days ago but I have been musing on it ever since.  It is astonishing how easily we fall into the trap of thinking that we cannot have what we want and that we ‘have’ to do the things other people are expecting us to do – even when we think that we are consciously choosing to for our own reasons rather than theirs.  In my case I was jumping through all sorts of hoops to get a promotion which I was going for.  I knew that I wasn’t enjoying it but I thought that I was choosing to do these things because it was my choice to go for promotion and that I was free to choose to stop in the end.  So I thought I was doing it all for myself.

Eventually, it made me so miserable that I chose to stop going for the promotion and go back to the work that I love doing.  Suddenly a much sought after trip overseas is on the cards and now all the people who created those hoops have changed their minds and told me that the work I love doing is actually good enough to go for the promotion anyway!

So, one simple choice to do what I love has flipped my employment world on its head!

It got me wondering how many other aspects of my life that I might be letting this happen.  I suppose we only realise we don’t love something when it has gone so far as to make us miserable.  Mediocre is therefore likely to result in us keeping with the status quo and carry on with the same old mundane life we have grown used to.

The tragic irony though is that the life you love is easily possible.  When we choose what we love and announce this to those around us, they are going to see somebody with real conviction and somebody who knows where they are going.  When you have seen somebody like that, have you even attempted to stop them doing what they are doing?  I certainly haven’t.

So choosing what you love actually clears obstacles out of the way, certainly not all of them, but it does make for an easier ride and you can love it along the way too – and we all want that don’t we?

I guess the point of writing this was to make you think about each aspect of your life, be honest with yourself, your true self. And make sure that you are not just accepting the mundane without even realising it.  Make a list of each area of your life and work through them - anything that you are not absolutely raving abut deserves your attention.  You only need to make a change in one area and you will be surprised how the momentum builds up.  Sure, there will still be obstacles, I will talk about those tomorrow as they are your friend for a whole host of reasons.  But in the mean time, do the stock take, you don’t need to accept mundane.  

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